The Sandbagging MakeupTrend !!

by Mallika Dharmani
3 minutes read

One of the prime problems faced by all of us during summer is how to apply makeup without looking greasy and overdone. As if the foundation and makeup doesn’t provide enough grease, we also have to put up with sweating thanks to the dear Sun.

All this combines and makes the makeup look as if it’s simply going to drip off our face. The one simple solution to this is – *sandbagging* which is a growing makeup trend especially useful in summers.The basic idea is to create a dam or stop the makeup from flowing out and looking messy, the same way that sandbags stop the river from flooding.


sandbagging technique (2)


How to apply this technique?

For this you need a powder of your skin tone.

First of all you apply your makeup like you usually do. Once you are done with your primer or base you have take some powder in a puff or sponge and gently dab your skin with it. Make sure you cake it well underneath your eye area and around your lips and nose.


sandbagging technique

Image Credit : cosmopolitan


The idea is to create a layer of powder over your makeup. This powder will absorb the excess oil from your makeup and skin and give your face a smooth look. Also try to use foundations which are light or water based to make it easier for you.

Let it sit on your skin for 10 minutes so that it sucks up all that nasty oil and gives you a clear non greasy look.


Closeup portrait of a woman applying dry cosmetic tonal foundation on the face using makeup brush.

Image Credit : google plus


Doing this helps to keep the under eye makeup in place and also keep your lipstick from spreading outside the corners of your lips. You can even dab a little powder on your cupid’s brow to make it more defined.


This trick is out of Kim Kardashian’s own makeup bag!

If she’s doing it, there is definitely something right to it.

Anything that is good enough for her is surely good enough for us too 🙂


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